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韩国栋 博士 讲师 ●出生年月 1986年12月 ●学习工作经历 2018.10至今:烟台大学,生命科学学院,讲师 2011.7-2014.5 厦门大学,近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室,研究助理 2014.9-2018.9, 厦门大学, 海洋生物学, 博士, 2008.9-2011.6, 厦门大学, 海洋生物学, 硕士, 2004.8-2008.6, 鲁东大学, 水产养殖学, 学士 ●主讲课程 本科生课程: 《生物化学(1)》,《海洋生物学》,《生态学》 研究生课程: ● 研究方向 1、潮间带贝类对温度的生理和进化适应 ● 教学、科研项目 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金,42006107,潮间带紫贻贝耐高温基因位点平衡多态性研究,2021.1-2023.12,24万元,在研,主持 ● 主要论文、专著与专利 [1]Han, G. D., & Dong, Y. W. (2020). Rapid climate-driven evolution of the invasive species Mytilus galloprovincialis over the past century. Anthropocene Coasts, 3(1), 14–29. [2]Han, G. D., Wang, W., & Dong, Y. W. (2020). Effects of balancing selection and microhabitat temperature variations on heat tolerance of the intertidal black mussel Septifer virgatus. Integrative Zoology, 15(5), 416–427. [3]Han, G. D., Cartwright, S. R., Ganmanee, M., Chan, B. K. K., Adzis, K. A. A., Hutchinson, N., Wang, J., Hui, T. Y., Williams, G. A., & Dong, Y. W. (2019). High thermal stress responses of Echinolittorina snails at their range edge predict population vulnerability to future warming. Science of The Total Environment, 647, 763–771. [4]Han, G. D., Zhang, S., & Dong, Y. W. (2017). Anaerobic metabolism and thermal tolerance: The importance of opine pathways on survival of a gastropod after cardiac dysfunction. Integrative Zoology, 12(5), 361–370. [5]Han, G. D., Zhang, S., Marshall, D. J., Ke, C. H., & Dong, Y. W. (2013). Metabolic energy sensors (AMPK and SIRT1), protein carbonylation and cardiac failure as biomarkers of thermal stress in an intertidal limpet: Linking energetic allocation with environmental temperature during aerial emersion. Journal of Experimental Biology, 216(Pt 17), 3273–3282. ● 荣誉奖励 ● 联系方式 通信地址:山东省烟台市莱山区清泉路30号,烟台大学生命科学学院化学馆中202 邮编:264005 电邮:hangd@ytu.edu.cn