赵振军 博士 副教授 硕士生导师 ●出生年月 1976年02月 ●学习工作经历 2007.06至今:烟台大学,生命科学学院,讲师/副教授 2003.09 - 2007.06:中国科学院,博士研究生 2000.09 - 2003.06:兰州大学,硕士研究生 ●主讲课程 本科生课程:《细胞生物学》《动物细胞工程》 研究生课程:《分子免疫学》 ● 研究方向 卵母细胞成熟、细胞生物学 ● 科研项目 1. 蛋白质组和转录组关联分析山东银莲花异质生境的适应机制(31971546),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020.01-2023.12,参与(第3位)。 2. 人类精子成熟相关分子数据库建立与关键分子的筛选,国家重点研发计划(子课题),2018.12-2021.12,负责人。 ● 主要论文、专著与专利 1.Wenxiao Du, Xiaoli Chen , Min Shi, Fuhua Bian, Zhenjun Zhao(通讯作者).Ethanol affects behavior and HPA axis activity during development in zebrafish larvae. Sci Rep 2020 Dec 8;10(1):21402 2.Wenxiao Du, Zhenjun Zhao, Wei Zheng(通讯作者). The recognition of development-related genes in the testis and MAGs of time-series Harmonia axyridis adults using a time-series analysis by RNA-seq. Gene 2019 Apr 20; 693:52-60. 3.Qian Li ,Zhenjun Zhao(通讯作者). Influence of N-acetyl-L-cysteine against bisphenol a on the maturation of mouse oocytes and embryo development: in vitro study. BMC Pharmacol Toxicol. 2019; 20: 43. 4.Hui Shi, Juan Liu, Peng Zhu, Haiyan Wang, Zhenjun Zhao, Guohong Sun, Jianyuan Li. Expression of peroxiredoxins in the human testis, epididymis and spermatozoa and their role in preventing H2O2-induced damage to spermatozoa. Folia Histochem Cytobiol. 2018;56(3):141-150.
5. Cui LB, Zhou XY, Zhao ZJ, Li Q, Huang XY, Sun FZ. The Kunming mouse: as a model for age-related decline in female fertility in human. 6.Long-Bo Cui, Zhen-Jun Zhao, Xue-Ying Zhou, Qian Li, Xiu-Ying, Huang, Fang-Zhen Sun. Effect of age, GV transfer and modified nucleocytoplasmic ratio on PKCα in mouse oocytes and early embryos. Zygote. 2012 Feb;20(1):87-95. ● 联系方式 通信地址:山东省烟台市黄渤海新区吉林路1号烟台大学八角湾校区,烟台大学生命科学学院 邮编:264006 电邮:zhaozhenjun@ytu.edu.cn