姜爱莉 博士 教授 硕士生导师 ●出生年月 1973年01月 ●学习工作经历 1997.4-至今, 烟台大学, 生命科学学院, 讲师/副教授/教授, 2003.9-2007.5:大连理工大学,博士研究生 1994.9-1997.4:天津科技大学,硕士研究生 1990.9-1994.7:天津科技大学,本科生 ●主讲课程 本科生课程:《生物工程设备》《生物工程开发与设计》《生物工程与工艺综合实验》等 研究生课程:《现代生物工程》《生物工程企业工程设计》《生物工程过程开发与设计》《生物工程学科前沿进展》 ● 研究方向 1、生物资源与环境工程 2、海洋生物技术 3、绿色高效农业 ● 教学、科研项目 1、柄海鞘-微藻-刺参”混养系统的生态效应研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,30.0万元,2011-2013,结题,主持 2、“柄海鞘-微藻-刺参”生态养殖系统的构建及应用研究,山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金,4.0万元,2011-2013,结题,主持 3、脂肪酸甲酯成套技术开发与产业化子课题,国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题,2014-2016,结题,主持 4、刺参-海鞘混合养殖系统氮磷通量及调控研究,山东省自然科学基金面上项目, 2014-2016,14万,结题,主持 5、生物工程开发设计教学案例库,山东省专业学位研究生教案例库,2018-2020,10万,在研,主持 6、甘薯淀粉加工过程废水资源化利用技术开发及应用,烟台市重点研发计划项目,2018-2020,10万,在研,主持 7、刺参养殖池塘丝状绿藻与内源性生源要素(氮、磷)生态耦合动力学机制研究,国家自然科学基金项目面上项目,2016-2019,75.2万,结题,参加
● 主要论文、专著与专利 主要论文 [1] Yao Ya-nan, Wang Jian-bo, Jiang Ai-li*, Xing Rong-lian. Phosphorus forms and enzyme activities in surface sediment in a polyculture system consisting of Apostichopus japonicus and Styela clava. Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences,2019(SCI收录) [2] Bao Ju, Hengxu Liu, Heng Ji, Juan Liu, Aili Jiang*. Preparation of biodiesel from acidified oil catalyzed with immobilized lipase. Journal of Biotech Research,2019; 10: 92-101(EI收录) [3] Zhen Yu, Xinjia Li, Aili Jiang*, Ronglian Xing, Bao Ju, Xiulian Chang. Effects of methamidophos on antioxidants and metabolic enzymes in Styela clava. Journal of Biotech Research. 2019; 10:145-153(EI收录) [4] Aili Jiang*, Heng Ji, Hengxu Liu, Xinjia Li, Juan Liu. Pretreatment of waste oil and biodiesel preparation catalyzed by immobilized lipase. Journal of Biotech Research. 2019; 10: 239-249(EI收录) [5]Xinjia Li, Jianbo Wang, Hengxu Liu, Lihong Chen, Aili Jiang*,Comparation of structure and properties of sea cucumber melanin before and after degradation. Journal of Biotech Research. 2019; 10:283-292(EI收录) [6] Ronglian Xing, Min Wang, Lihong Chen, Aili Jiang*, Zhenpeng Liu,2019,Annual succession of phytoplankton community in Apostichopus japonicus aquaculture cofferdams of two types of sea beds. Journal of Biotech Research. 2019; 10: 255-261(EI收录) [7] Ronglian Xing, Weiwei Ma, Yiwen Shao, Xuebin Cao, Lihong Chen,Aili Jiang. Factors that affect the growth and photosynthesis of the filamentous green algae, Chaetomorpha valida, in static sea cucumber aquaculture ponds with high salinity and high pH. Peer J, 2019(SCI收录) [8] Xiaoling Zhang, Minglv Sun, Bin Chen, Aili Jiang*. Preparation, chemical characterization and antioxidant activity of crude polysaccharide and oligosaccharide extracted from the ascidian Styela clava. Journal of Biotech Research,2018; 9: 39-47(SCI收录) [9] Bao Ju,Ai-li Jiang*,Rong-lian Xing,Li-hong Chen,Li Teng. Optimization of conditions for an integrated multitrophic aquaculture system consisting of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus and ascidian Styela clava. Aquacult Int, 2017, 25:265–286. (SCI收录) [10] Hongmei Liu,Aili Jiang*, Zhen Yu. Effect of Nickle on the antioxidant system of Styela clava. Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences,2017,46(08)1607-1613(SCI收录) [11] Hongmei Liu, Xuemei Liu,Aili Jiang*. Seasonal changes of macroalgal composition, biomass and assemblage diversity in the rocky intertidals of Zhifu Tombolo, China. Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences,2017, 46(06), 1091-1097(SCI收录) [12] Bao Ju; Ai-li Jiang*; Rong-lian Xing; Li-hong Chen; Li Teng; Optimizati on of conditions for an integrated multi-trophic aquaculture system consisting of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus and ascidian Styela clava, Aquaculture International, 2017, 25(1): 265-286. (SCI收录) [13] Jian Lin,Bao Ju,Yanan Yao,Xiaoming Lin,Ronglian Xing,Li Teng,Aili Jian*. Microbial community in a multi-trophic aquaculture system of Apostichopus japonicus, Styela clava and microalgae. Aquacult Int. 2016, 24 (SCI收录) [14] Li-hong Chen, Rong-lian Xing,Ai-li Jiang*,Li Teng,Chang-hai Wang. A preliminary study on the potential value of a novel integrated aquaculture system on water purification. Aquacult Int,2016, 24:879–892(SCI收录) [15] Bao Ju,Lihong Chen,Ronglian Xing,Aili Jiang*. A new integrated multi-trophic aquaculture system consisting of Styela clava, microalgae, and Stichopus japonicas. Aquacult Int (2015) 23:471–497. (SCI收录) [16] Yu Zhen; Jiang Aili*; Ju Bao; Effect of the ascidian Styela clava on the growth of small holothurians of the species Apostichopus japonicus, Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 2014, 47(4): 211-226(SCI收录) [17]Bao Ju, Bin Chen, Xingrong Zhang, Chunling Han, Aili Jiang*. Purification and Characterization of Bioactive Compounds from Styela clava. Journal of Chemistry. 2014(SCI收录) [18] Jiang Aili, Yu zhen, Wang Changhai. Effect of cadmium on antioxidant system in the ascidian Styels clava. Marine Biology Research. 2011,7(4):388-397(SCI收录) [19] Jiang Aili, Yu zhen, Wang Changhai. Bioaccumulation of cadmium in the ascidian Styela clava, African Journal of Marine Science. 2009, 31(3): 289–295(SCI收录) [20] 姜爱莉,于贞,蔡文贵,王长海. 柄海鞘对锌的富集作用. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2010,42(2):281-286(EI收录) [21] Yu Zhen,Jiang Aili*,Wang Changhai.(2010)Oxygen consumption, ammonia excretion, and filtration rate of the marine bivalve Mytilus edulis exposed to methamidophos and omethoate. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology. 43(4):243 – 255(SCI收录) [22] 付海洋,苗雪文,姜爱莉,杨柳,王召旭. 可降解丝素蛋白防粘连凝胶局部反应研究. 中国药事, 2019,33(7):783-789 [23] 王建波,刘恒旭,李鑫佳,姜爱莉*. 海参黑色素的提取及其结构性质研究. 食品科技. 2019,44(4):255-260 [24]曹学彬,马伟伟,李琦,吴春梅,吴彩蜜,姜爱莉,邢荣莲. 刚毛藻对静态模拟刺参养殖池塘上覆水营养盐含量的影响. 海洋科学,2018,42(6):88-95 [25] 曹学彬,王建波,邢荣莲,姜爱莉*. 北极海参不同酶解多肽的抗氧化活性与高效液相色谱分析. 江苏农业科学,2018 ,46(20):211-214 [26] 刘红梅,周晓秋,姚亚楠,姜爱莉*,王长海. 北极海参多糖的分离纯化及抗肿瘤活性研究. 济南大学学报( 自然科学版),2016,30(5):403-408 [27] 陈丽红,邢荣莲,姜爱莉*,滕立,王长海. 柄海鞘-微藻-刺参混养系统对水体中氮的修复潜力. 江苏农业科学,2017,45( 21) : 289 - 292 [28] 姚亚楠,姜爱莉*,邢荣莲. 刺参-柄海鞘养殖系统水体和表层沉积物中磷的赋存状态. 江苏农业科学,2016,44(8) : 316-319 [29] 姜爱莉,于贞,王长海. 铅对柄海鞘代谢的影响. 北京理工大学学报. 2011,31(2):220-224(EI收录) [30] 刘娟,杨楠楠,姜爱莉*. 固定化脂肪酶的制备及其酶学性质的研究. 中国油脂,2013,38(1):44-47 [31] 杨楠楠,牛鹏军,刘娟,姜爱莉*. 刚毛藻稀碱处理液发酵制备饲料酵母. 食品与发酵工业,2013,39(6):86-89 [32] 杨楠楠,牛鹏军,刘 娟,姜爱莉*. 以刚毛藻为原料制备生物乙醇的技术研究. 酿酒科技,2013, [33] 许璇,刘雪梅,胡芸,姜爱莉*. 柄海鞘中矿物元素含量分析. 海洋环境科学. 2012,31(2):208-210 专利 [1] 姜爱莉; 杨楠楠; 牛鹏军; 刚毛藻综合利用技术, 2015, 中国, 授权专利号: ZL201310320933.4 [2] 姜爱莉; 邢荣莲; 滕立; 陈丽红; 一种硅藻载体培养技术, 2015, 中国, 授权专利号: ZL201310185482.8. [3] 姜爱莉; 鞠宝; 于贞; 邢荣莲; 王长海; 海鞘-微藻-刺参人工优化养殖方法, 2014, 中国, 授权专利号: ZL201110205179.0. [4] 姜爱莉; 郭尽力; 邢荣莲; 王建波; 一种底栖硅藻培养装置, 2019, 中国, 授权专利号: ZL201710136938.X. [5] 姜爱莉, 刘娟, 鞠宝, 于贞, 王长海, 一种新型固定化酶载体的制备, 2015, 中国, 授权专利号:ZL201210062682X
● 荣誉奖励 1、山东省教学成果二等奖,2018 2、山东省高等学校优秀教科研成果三等奖,2018 3、山东省科技进步三等奖,2008 4、烟台市科技进步二等奖,2015
● 学术兼职 国家自然科学基金评审专家,《Aquaculture》、《Aquaculture International》、《Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety》等期刊审稿人
● 联系方式 通信地址:山东省烟台市黄渤海新区吉林路1号烟台大学八角湾校区,烟台大学生命科学学院 邮编:264006 电话:0535-6881942 |